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It is impossible to recover a TM once you teach it to a Pokémon. It is a Temporary Machine, so it breaks once it is used. Only HMs, Hidden Machines, can be used more than once or infinitely.

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Q: I accidentally taught a TM to the wrong Pokemon?
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I accidentally taught a TM to the wrong Pokemon is there a way to undo it?

Yes, but you can't get the TM back. Go to the Move Deleter (he's in certain places in the game, but I forgot where) and ask him to delete the move. If it's a TM and not an HM (which you wouldn't need to get back anyway, they're unlimited use), you can also just teach it another move to replace it.

What is a hidden move in Pokemon?

it is a TM taught to Pokemon do you mean hiddden ability?

Can Pokemon learn TM by itself when level is above 70?

Yes, as long as the Pokemon is compatible with the TM. Pokemon can be taught TMs at any level.

Which Pokemon has strength in Pokemon Blue?

This skill has to be taught to your Pokemon using a TM that you get as a reward on your journey

How can you receive the Ancient Power TM in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no Ancient Power TM in Pokemon Platinum, It can only be taught by leveling up, Move tutoring or by learning it from a Pokemon from an egg.

Where is fire fang in Pokemon platinum?

it isn't a TM it has to be taught the hard

How do you get your Pokemon to learn the move cut with out a TM?

First of all, CUT is not a TM it's an HM. And second of all, Pokemon cannot learn that move naturally so it must be taught to Pokemon with an HM.

What Pokemon learn thief in Pokemon platinum?

Kecleon and Mightyena learn it while leveling up. Almost every other Pokemon can be taught the TM thief.

What Pokemon knows how to do waterfall?

Waterfall is a TM/HM. It needs to be obtained from the Sunyshore Gym Leader before it can be taught to a water-type pokemon.

At what level Can zigagoon learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Zigzagoon can be taught Dig at any level once you have TM 28. TM 28 can be found in Route 114.

Where do you get the TM signal beam on heart gold?

I don't think that it is a TM in Heartgold or Soulsilver Versions, but it can be taught to your Pokemon by a move tutor in a small house outside of the battle frontier.

Who is the best starter pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

Three of them is the best. But the onnly thing you should know is: Their Moves. It is important to teach them TM/HM Because If you choose the wrong TM/HM your Pokemon will eventually become weak.