I don't think that it is a TM in Heartgold or Soulsilver Versions, but it can be taught to your Pokemon by a move tutor in a small house outside of the battle frontier.
It is not a TM in gold or silver, you must trade a Pokemon from red and blue that knows this more. The ice beam TM is found in Celedon City department store by trading with a girl. Give her a fresh water to receive the TM.
You have to get then TM ancientpower
You get the TM Ice Beam in the Great Chasm.
The only place to obtain TM15 Hyper Beam in Pokemon Gold is in the Celadon Game Corner. It will cost 7500 coins.
Gallade is unable to learn Signal Beam. Also it is NOT TM (Techincal Machine)
It is not a TM in gold or silver, you must trade a Pokemon from red and blue that knows this more. The ice beam TM is found in Celedon City department store by trading with a girl. Give her a fresh water to receive the TM.
It is in Heart Gold
You have to get then TM ancientpower
You get the TM Ice Beam in the Great Chasm.
The TM number is TM15.
TM 13.
you can find the TM ice beam by going back to route 216 and at the far right of the big cliff there will be the TM ice beam i by maca
The only place to obtain TM15 Hyper Beam in Pokemon Gold is in the Celadon Game Corner. It will cost 7500 coins.
You can give it to a man in Kanto for a TM.
The TM for Solar Beam (TM22) can be brought from the Veilstone Department store.