beat the 5th gym of course, but u can choose 2 beat the 6th gym, or the 5th gym first. becuz the 5th gym is in fushcia city, and the 6th gym is in saffron city
its very simple trade to fire red and back to leaf green if that doesn't work you have to get every gym badge.
in gym durr
Trade from fire red or leaf green. On fire red and leaf green its found on memorial pillar (in the sevii islands).
Head to fuchsia city for your next badge.
It's in Viridian City, the place where you get Professer Oak's package.
It is your rival from Pokemon fire red and leaf green versions.
In fire red/leaf green it is in Cerulean City in sapphire/ruby/emrald it is in Mauville City
you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green
in gym durr
its very simple trade to fire red and back to leaf green if that doesn't work you have to get every gym badge.
get it with fire red or leaf green get it with fire red or leaf green
trade from fire red or leaf green trade from fire red or leaf green
No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green
you cant get growlithe in leaf green only fire red
Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum. Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum. Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum.
In generation I, II, III, IV (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Soul Silver) you obtain the Thunder Badge in Vermillion City. South of Cerulean City.
If you have fire red or leaf green, You get the charmander for your starter pokemon, then you level it up to level 36. If you have ruby sapphire, or emerald, you trade it from Fire red of Leaf green. If you have Diamond or Pearl, you trade it from Fire red or Leaf green.