It's in Viridian City, the place where you get Professer Oak's package.
in gym durr
Head to fuchsia city for your next badge.
8th gym badge the water badge
its very simple trade to fire red and back to leaf green if that doesn't work you have to get every gym badge.
At the end of the game, 8th gym, Giovani, head of Team Rocket.
It is your rival from Pokemon fire red and leaf green versions.
in gym durr
Give the hm or TM to your Pokemon
Head to fuchsia city for your next badge.
beat the gym leader
I get my 8th badge in Sootopolis gym.
Simply beat Giovanni in Viridian City and get the Earthbadge: it makes all Pokemon obey you.ORAll Pokemon obey you, the badges are for Pokemon traded from other games.
In fire red/leaf green it is in Cerulean City in sapphire/ruby/emrald it is in Mauville City
8th gym badge the water badge
In generation I, II, III, IV (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Soul Silver) you obtain the Thunder Badge in Vermillion City. South of Cerulean City.
The 8th Badge in Pokemon Diamond is called The Beacon Badge.