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Some people believe there is water on the moon but it might not be clean enough. here's what you could do: 1. bring lots of ice cubes and let them melt in a water bottle. 2. bring lots and lots of water bottles. 3. when you run out of water, use something to connect earth and ask for more or go back to earth with a space shuttle and get as much as possible

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Q: How would get water on the moon?
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Why would one take water to the moon?

because the water on the moon is frozen

Where would water be found in the moon?

We have found what hints to ice or water on the north and south poles of the moon.

How would water on the moon benefit humans?

Because its water dummy

Is there alife in moon?

No there is no oxygen to support life on the moon... no water... and no food. therefore a life on the moon would be impossible.

What happened if water bottle is opened on moon?

If a water bottle is opened on the moon, the water inside would rapidly vaporize and dissipate into the vacuum of space due to the low atmospheric pressure. The lack of atmosphere on the moon means there is no air pressure to keep the liquid water from turning into gas.

What would water found on the Moon be used for?

If us Earthbound humans were to set up a colony of humans on the Moon, the ice would most likely be used to provide drinking water and irrigating water.

Can you use a rubber dingy on the moon?

No, a rubber dinghy cannot be used on the moon as there is no water or atmosphere to support buoyancy or movement. The lack of gravity and extreme temperatures on the moon would also make it impractical for any kind of water-based activity.

Can the moon float on water?

No, the moon cannot float on water because it is a massive celestial body that exerts gravitational force. It would not be able to stay afloat on the surface of water.

If you were standing on a beach in California facing the water will you see a moonrise or a moon set over the water?

Sun set and moon set would both be over the water.

How would people on the moon obtain and conserve water?

In their cups.

When standing on a beach in California facing the water will you see a moonrise or moonset over the water?

Being in the west it would be moon set, in the east facing the Atlantic it would be moon rise.

If the moon were covered with water tidal effects by Earth would find the moon with?

two tidal bulges