Go to Mt. Moon square about 6-8 pm.
Then go to the area with water.
There would be clefairys.
Once you go nearer they would go away.
Then they will leave a poke ball.
A moon stone is inside.
Note: only on mondays.
You cant get you need to catch a jigglypuff and you give it a moon stone
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey
It will evolve jigglypuff into wigglytuff, clefairy into clafable, nidorina into nidoqueen, and nidorino into nidoking.
use a moon stone
you cant,you can only give a nidorino a moon stone and it will evolve into nidoking.
you can get it in the pokelathon,somewhere in tohjo falls,or if you let the characters mother save money for you,1 item she'll get a moon stone for you
evolve nidoran(man) into Nidorino then with a moon stone get a nidoking
You cant get you need to catch a jigglypuff and you give it a moon stone
You can't find Nidoqueen in Heartgold but you can find a Nidorina on Route 15 and a Moon Stone on the outside of Mt.Moon on Monday Nights.
When you beat some of the contest at the pokeathlone go to the last stand on the right they will ask you to spend your points you in in the contest then you get fire stone, water stone , moon stone and ect
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
t doesn't evolve by level use a moon stone
Ask your mom to save your money, and if your lucky, she will buy a moon stone with your money, and it will be in the Pokemart, just talk to the guy near the registry.
Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey
You can find it in two locations: - Mt. Moon - The safari zone
You cannot find Clefable in the wild. Clefable can only be evolved using a moon stone. Use a moon stone on a clefairy to obtain a Clefable. You can use the moon stone on any level, including level one.