you can't unless you need to :(
If you do need to, click on the sim you need to give it to and choose the option 'give' or 'give gift' or words to thet effect :)
The same way any two sims can marry in the Sims 3
You have to make them eat spoiled food, or give them a slob trait.
You can't
I'll give you two biggest cheat codes! testingcheatsenabled true The cheat code above is to get a sims heath up Motherlode This cheat above is to gives your sims more cash Please use these codes!
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
No Sims 3 does not give you Viruses on your computers or labtops.
Yea But Only If You Register Sims 3 Or Sims 3 World adventures Also If Some One Gifts You Them :D
The same way any two sims can marry in the Sims 3
No, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 are two separate games.
you cant but there are clothing items on the sims 3 store for fairy wings
The Sims 3 PC; Get the two sims to try for a baby. That's basically all.
About 3% of pet owners will give Valentine's Day gifts to their pets.
No, but they can get married and adopt.
You have to make them eat spoiled food, or give them a slob trait.
no, the sims 3 is still only one player like the sims 2. Edit, Sims 2 was two players
give a man a bj