To flip the cart in cart surfer you press the down arrow key and then press space and you get 100 points.
press your space bar
hold down on keyboard and press space bar
U have to have a black puffle to play cart surfer.A black puffle is the only puffle that u can play cart surfer with.
You can only play cart surfer with a black puffle
To flip the cart in cart surfer you press the down arrow key and then press space and you get 100 points.
press your space bar
back flip
hold down on keyboard and press space bar
No there is only one game of cart surfer.
you press all at once Ctrl + Alt + delete and then press end task and you can flip on cart surfer
play cart surfer and u will earn money 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000 or 4,000 but to earn this u have to make a flip
I dont know but i have flip mania stamp , however to get this do 4 or 5 flips on a line but dont crash
U have to have a black puffle to play cart surfer.A black puffle is the only puffle that u can play cart surfer with.
Go play cart surfer. Press space bar to jump. While you are in the air press the back arrow key.
You can only play cart surfer with a black puffle