it depends what generation it is it gets so uncommon that only 1 in 20 owners will have even seen one in the wild let alone catch one
It appears randomly in the wild, but it is really hard to find and it is very rare.
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
To get a shiny Dratini in Pokemon Crystal you need to find one in the wild or hatch one. This is extremely rare though with a 1 in 8192 chance of the wild or hatched Dratini being a shiny. There is no way in Pokemon Crystal to improve these odds.
You can find Shiny Pokémon in all games except in Red, Blue and Yellow. The encountering rate depends on each game but they are pretty rare.
Well It REALLY rare and i mean really rare to get them (i have got 1 in the 2 years of playing pokemon) (it was a Geodude)Tip: Keep LookingTip: NEVER GIVE UP!!
shiny Pokemon are rare you can find them almost any were but they are super rare
You can find shiny Pokemon randomly through out the game.
You can find rare Pokemon from other games and even shiny Pokemon! I found a Shiny Hippopotus once :P
The red Gyarados (100%) because it is there and it is awesomely shiny any other Pokemon can be shiny too it's just too dang rare I SAID RARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
It is very rare to find one.
Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare. The chance of finding one is 1 in 1800. There is no specific area where shiny Pokemon are prevalent.
shiny Pokemon are in the same place as the regular ones but there is a 1 out 8196 battles chance that you will get a shiny Pokemon
Very rare you have a 1/8000 chance to find one i found a shiny zubat also at the lake of rage a gyrados is there and its already shiny.
A Shiny Pokemon can be found anywhere as long as wild Pokemon appear; even legendaries like Palkia or Dialga can appear Shiny! They are just extremely rare with a very low chance of 1/8192 encounters to find a Shiny.
Shiny Pokemon can be anywhere, it is just very rare.
There are Shiny Pokemon, they are just really hard to find, like in any other Pokemon game, they are very rare. So you may not find any throughout your travels, but you will find some eventually.
shiny Pokemon are rare Pokemon with a different colour there is a 1-80% chance that you will find one so there is no easy way to find one unless you cheat!>:)