It is said that Misty is 12 in the Manga/japanesse version of Pokemon but in the English version Misty is 10 years old. It really depends on what kind of version of Pokemon you prefer and Misty not even Ash will ever age. They will remain the same age unless the guy who made Pokemon deciedes to.
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At the beginning of their journey, both Ash and Misty are 10 and Brock is 15
I guess Ash will marry Misty, because how I know is I heard Misty's best friends are her togepi and Ash. Even in Misty's Song Ash and Misty sounded romantic. Besides Misty is one of my favorite Pokemon trainers.
Misty is not in Diamond/Pearl. Sorry.
yes tracey likes misty
Misty Hyman is 32 years old (birthdate: March 23, 1979).
Misty May-Treanor is 39 years old (born July 30, 1977).
its an old episode
3000 years old
ballet dancer Misty Copeland is 5'2" (~157.5cm)
Misty May-Treanor was born July 30, 1977 and as of 2011 is 33 years old.
The name Misty is an Old English female name that means mist. The name is from nature. Other spellings for the name Misty are Misti, Mystee, Mysti, and Mistie.
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