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yes tracey likes misty

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Q: Does tracey like misty from Pokemon?
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In Pokemon is Misty in love with anyone?

It is not really confirmed by anyone that works with the show. But many fans say she is in love with Ash (Pokéshhipping). Then again, some say Brock (Gymshipping), Tracey (Orangeshipping), and various others. But the most popular out of these is Ash/Misty. Misty loves Tracey!

Who does misty like from pokemon?

Well some people think that Misty like Ash but she doesn't Misty likes Gary.

In Pokemon did Ash like Misty as a friend?

In the Original Pokemon series, Misty did like Ash as a friend. To be honest, Misty really liked Ash.

Does ash ketchum and misty may dawn kiss in 1 episode of Pokemon?

misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon

Is misty a mermaid?

if your talking about misty from pokemon than no but she dresses like 1 though

Is misty in Pokemon galactic battles?

No, Misty is not shown in any of the galactic battel episodes as far as I know. Sad, I really like misty :/

Who is the main character in Pokemon chronicles?

Well, there are episodes, so in each one there is a main character and Pokemon. Brock Misty Tracey Jimmy Ash's Pokemon, Misty's Pokemon and Brock's Pokemon Ritchie Professor Oak Team Rocket Marina Vincent Pichu Bros. Daisy,Violet and Lily (Misty's sister) Kinso (Badge Maker) And more! But apparently Ash Ketchum isn't in it. But the main characters are supposed to be linked to Ash in some way. Hope this helped!!!!

What is the Pokemon episode where misty talks to ash about a kiss?

"Wherefore art thou Pokemon" Ash says, "Gee Misty, do you really think a kiss can change someone like that?" Misty says, "We'll have to see"

How can you be misty on pokemon emerald?

misty is not on emerald

What type of Pokemon does misty have in soul silver?

..... Misty has water type like she has had throughout all games! i mean, really! the name 'Misty' kind of gives it away!

What episode does Misty meet dawn in Pokemon?

there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn

How long was Misty in Pokemon?

misty was for 22 episodes