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At least 17 years old.

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Q: How old do you have to be to play rated M games?
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How old do you have to be in order to have an m on?

18 in order to play on M rated games.

Should twelve year old boys be able to play M rated games?

yes, they should. m rated games really are not that bad although parrents may think so.

Can a twelve year old boy play m rated games?

Yes of course they can, but it is not recommended that you do. Unless its an old rated M game for something like the Nintendo 64 then it should be fine.

Can a 12 year old play rated M games?

they can if an aldult buys it for them but they shouldn't even buy them

Should an11 year old boy be allowed to play M rated games?

No it will be drilled into his head and he will disrespect you

How old do you have to be 2 play the amazing spider man?

it says rated T so I guess you have to be a teenager but im 12 and have rated m games

How old do you have to be to buy computer game?

no age, as long as you can play it You have to be 18 or over to buy M-RATED games in the U.S.

How old do you have to be to purchase rated-m games?


How old do you have to be buy rated m games?

17 or older

Why do people play M rated games when not supposed to?

because they want to

Vilonce in video games?

If you are looking for violence in games that are not M rated you should get Final Fantasy games. If you are allowed to play M games you should get Manhunt, Bioshock, or any of the Halo games.

Is it haram to play m rated games?

yes muslem i,m a muslem sulamualaikum ana Adam al tarhuni