they can if an aldult buys it for them but they shouldn't even buy them
Although it is rated M for 18+, realistically anyone past middle school can play it
Depends on the game if its something like a first person shooter it shouldn't matter however if its something along the lines with nudity no
Buy E rated games instead of T or M rated games.
That's tough. The way I managed to convince them was to show them a Teen rated game like Goldeneye, and then an M rated game like Halo, to show them that there isn't that much of a difference between the two.
18 in order to play on M rated games.
yes, they should. m rated games really are not that bad although parrents may think so.
Yes of course they can, but it is not recommended that you do. Unless its an old rated M game for something like the Nintendo 64 then it should be fine.
they can if an aldult buys it for them but they shouldn't even buy them
No it will be drilled into his head and he will disrespect you
it says rated T so I guess you have to be a teenager but im 12 and have rated m games
no age, as long as you can play it You have to be 18 or over to buy M-RATED games in the U.S.
17 or older
because they want to
If you are looking for violence in games that are not M rated you should get Final Fantasy games. If you are allowed to play M games you should get Manhunt, Bioshock, or any of the Halo games.
yes muslem i,m a muslem sulamualaikum ana Adam al tarhuni