Although it is rated M for 18+, realistically anyone past middle school can play it
For getting CSGO account visit and get CSGO prime account and non prime accounts for playing CSGO games there is a new SDK available for CS:GO. Players can subscribe to new maps through the Map Workshop, where designers can get feedback.
the rating is unknown
You can be any age to play Minecraft. I think the rating is E.
No, stay as quiet as possible so they can hear the footsteps.
CS:GO is rated "Very Positive" on Steam. It is rated about ~80%-85% out of 100% elsewhere.
For getting CSGO account visit and get CSGO prime account and non prime accounts for playing CSGO games there is a new SDK available for CS:GO. Players can subscribe to new maps through the Map Workshop, where designers can get feedback.
CSGO is a first person shooter... that have mostly the same thing as the old CS. if you like that gendre go for it. no need for friends, but you might get bored fast. few maps, not a lot of reality(sory its the hard truth) and not a lot of gameplay. Arma 3 might be a bether game. just there is the thing about CQC. you dont die al the time in arma. just a lot of walking. and geting sniped. and also Planetside 2 from sony is a bether game I must say. they have done some weird things there. so it might die soon. but it is free.
No, that is not possible.
you need to be 833 days old to play
You can't 'make' her do anything !... Remember - SHE (or your dad) pays the bills - they probably bought you the computer in the first place... respect their decisions and 'live with it' !
You need a VGA adapter to play PS2 games on an old monitor.
You unlock this after 150 wins in competitive game mode.
i suggest to be 11+
the rating is unknown
You need to be 13 or older