That's tough. The way I managed to convince them was to show them a Teen rated game like Goldeneye, and then an M rated game like Halo, to show them that there isn't that much of a difference between the two.
make a deal with them. If u get good grades you can play video games any time!
you just get A's and B's at school behave at home and then they might let you but if you get you'r homework done.
of course not but game shop employees just ask them if they are allowed to play 18+ so the parents can have a choice of yes or no
Your parents might think you're to young, to immature, or they just don't believe in playing video games. But what kinds of video games are you talking about? Animals, violence, learning, building, or sexual activity? I don't see anything wrong in playing animal games, unless there's visual mating or something like that. Violence, I can understand if your parents don't let you play those. There might be to much blood or maybe they just don't like violence. There is nothing wrong with a learning game in my opinion, but your parents might thing differently. (and I'm talking about math and reading skills, not the other stuff you were thinking) Building, again, I see nothing wrong with a building game. If you are not even in your teens yet then that's why they won't let you play sexual games. If I was your parent I wouldn't let you play these until around sixteen.
Did you install Adobe Flash Player? You'll need the latest version to play games there.
tell them that the esbr rates the games more conservatively and that t is actually closer to e10+
if you want to convice your parents for you to get a 3ds tell them how awesome it is and then beg till you get it
You don't.
I'll make better grades in school and get princible list :0
Wait until your 18 because there is to many of you little gets on black ops as it is.
just get ur parents to let him stay in the room beside you and tell them hes gay and then he can sneak in, in the middle of the night thats wat i do and we go along way ;)
Actually, it depends on what game you play. There are alot of games that are not good for the kids but their parents still let them play. But there are some games that can help kids, like reading games. Actually, it depends on what game you play. There are alot of games that are not good for the kids but their parents still let them play. But there are some games that can help kids, like reading games.
make a deal with them. If u get good grades you can play video games any time!
It's always best to let children connect with their parents. The games you can let them play together is baking, cooking, and anything that lets them enjoy each other's company.
No doubt there are
You do as you are told as long as they put the bread on the table.
Ask why they wont let you have xbox live firstly. Say that you have it wirelessly and that your parents can have full control of how long you play the xbox, what games you can play etc. Ensure your parents that its something you really want.