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Club Penguin is updated all the time with new things. Most new items and events arrive on Fridays at 12 am Pacific Time (aka Penguin Time). They are usually announced in advance in the Penguin Times newspaper.

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Q: How often is Club Penguin updated?
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How do you get Club Penguin CP Trainer?

you can't, Club Penguin has apparently updated the site making it impossible. member hack !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there going to be an update of Club Penguin?

Club Penguin is updated every Friday and Thursday. And sometime earlier for game releases.

In Club Penguin where do you buy a fireplace?

Club Penguin items are often limited edition and will leave and return from time to time. Quite often the in-game merchandise will relate to a specific festival and return accordingly, so the availability changes depending on how often the catalogs are updated. If you have a membership, try your igloo!

Where are the stamps on Club Penguin?

Club Penguin has not updated them actually they have you have posted this too soon and they are out now all you do is go on player card then stamp book

How do you get a cellphone in Club Penguin?

Well no one knows yet but I'll keep you updated

Where is the new stamp on club penguin for march?

Check your stamp book to be updated with the latest stamps.

When does rockhoppers ship arive?

Rockhopper's ship (the Migrator) arrives on club penguin when there is a party related to him going on. You see the Migrator docked on the shore of the beach if Rockhopper has arrived. Check the Newspaper to see when Rockhopper comes to club penguin to be updated about club penguin.

Will there be a mission 9 on Club Penguin?

Yes, see the link below which was updated as of 8/10/10.

Why cant you play old club penguin?

because they have updated it only the cp team can change it back

Will there be a clubpenguin 2?

Club-penguin Is an online virtual online game they simply will not make a Club-penguin 2. It gets updated about every 4 months. As long as they can update it there is no need for a second one.

What is in the gift shop every week on club penguin?

it changes every month, so you can't be very updated.

How do you make Club Penguin load on Club Penguin trainer 2?

ok club penguin trainer 2 no longer works, sorry. club penguin updated the game, that's what CPIP was all about, it was to get rid of glitches and hackers. anyway, the only trainers that work now are these: Penguin Storm 1, 2, 3 Penguin Fire (any of them) Penguin Blizzard (for some reason the creator says it will need to be fixed, it works fine for me) Hope this helps!