It depends what level the Pokemon is. If it is a lower level it will take about ten minutes It a higher level it could take up to an hour
Pokemon get 1 EXP for every step you take. Meaning the amount varies depending on how much EXP your Pokemon needs.
each step you take (whilst your Pokemon is in daycare) means 1 exp. so 1 step is 1 exp. so if your Pokemon needs 4471 exp to level up then 4471 steps would get you the level.
When your pokemon is in daycare, every one step, is one exp point Pokemon do not evolve in daycare however. hope it helps!
It depends on how much you run around. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the daycare uses footsteps as an alternative to EXP. If your Pokemon is starting at level 1, and you want it at level 50, it may take awhile. But if your Pokemon is starting at level 15, it may take less time. I know that I went from Goldenrod, all the way back to Cherrygrove City, and back again, and my Pokemon raised from level 4 to level 15. So you may consider leaving your Pokemon there while you explore other cities, that way you're running up the EXP without thinking about it too much.
There are probably some game-shark codes that do level your Pokemon up FASTER in the daycare. If your Pokemon is in the daycare it will gain EXP. with every step you take.
depends on how many steps you take
Level 45 (Sometimes if you put the Pokemon in daycare and take it out when it is at the evolution level you will have to level it up a bit more before it evolves because Daycare does not evolve Pokemon)
the Pokemon at daycare gets 1 experience point for each footstep you take.
It depends what level the Pokemon is. If it is a lower level it will take about ten minutes It a higher level it could take up to an hour
Pokemon get 1 EXP for every step you take. Meaning the amount varies depending on how much EXP your Pokemon needs.
each step you take (whilst your Pokemon is in daycare) means 1 exp. so 1 step is 1 exp. so if your Pokemon needs 4471 exp to level up then 4471 steps would get you the level.
The answer is no. You have to manually take it out of the daycare (a level before it evolves would be good), then get it to that level. Otherwise it will remain unevolved.
When your pokemon is in daycare, every one step, is one exp point Pokemon do not evolve in daycare however. hope it helps!
It depends on how much you run around. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the daycare uses footsteps as an alternative to EXP. If your Pokemon is starting at level 1, and you want it at level 50, it may take awhile. But if your Pokemon is starting at level 15, it may take less time. I know that I went from Goldenrod, all the way back to Cherrygrove City, and back again, and my Pokemon raised from level 4 to level 15. So you may consider leaving your Pokemon there while you explore other cities, that way you're running up the EXP without thinking about it too much.
a long time
there is a daycare, but it's not fast at all; every daycare gives 1 exp for every step you take. that's why you keep biking around to get eggs and to level up daycare pokemon. If you want to level up quickly, look up EV training and do that. When you EV train, leveling up will come with it