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It depends on how many blocks you placed and how far you have traveled.

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Q: How much memory does a world take up on Minecraft?
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How much memory will minecraft take up on the xbox?

minecraft can use anywhere between 256 MB and 512MB of ram on any system.

How much memory does Minecraft take up when you download it on xbox?

The Xbox Live Arcade says it is 113.21 MB

How big is a Minecraft world?

On PC, it is infinite (or until Minecraft runs out of memory).

How far does the Minecraft world go for?

In theory the Minecraft World streches infinitely, but when there is no more free space in memory to genefate new land, generation stops. This stop is 32,000,000,000 blocks away from spawn, meaning that the Minecraft World is 64,000,000,000 by 64,000,000,000 blocks. By walking it would take about 500 thousand hours to reach the end of the world.

How much gb does minecraft PC take?

Minecraft shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 gigs of free memory if you are not doing much(example, mining, idling on singleplayer) If you are on a heavy traffic Minecraft server, or if you have a lot of mods, Minecraft could use from 4 to 10 gigs of free ram. If you are asking about hard drive, it can be around one half to one gig of hard drive space.

How much space does minecraft take up?

not much. just a few KB, however, the more you change the maps, the more memory it takes. the largest possible map takes 22 MB

How much memory do I need for minecraft?

Not so much. In total you'll need around 50-60 MB. Please note that this is without mods. If you download big mods, it may take more space.

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How much memory do the patches for World of Warcraft take up?

15GB up to the current patch: 3.3.3

How do you get a mod to work for Minecraft?

you have to go to start, click run, click your .minecraft folder, take the downloaded mod (it has to be zipped) click open archive, then with the .minecraft folder, you find bin go in, and open minecraft's archive, then you move the files in the mod archive folder to the minecraft archives. (some things might be wrong, but that's because i used pure memory to answer this, and i have a bad memory. )

How long does Minecraft take to download after you purchase it?

It can take up to 2 mins it also dependes how much ram and memory u have left so if u have just enough it will take 2 mins if its first this you get 1 min or less if you want to know any more things about minecraft plz send a eamil latez