

Best Answer

$!69, $200, or $235


or in english money £100 if ur lucky otherwise £70

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Q: How much is dsi worth?
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Can you trade a TV for a DSI at Flea Market?

I don't think a TV. is worth as much as a flea market AND a DSI

How much does the Wario Ware cost for a DSi?

it was $34 for me, i love it! it was worth it

How much does a Nintendo DS cost with a camera?

it is called a DSI and it is worth about $200.00 + tax

How much money is dsi worth at Gamestop?

either 90 or 100 im not sure

How much is a dsi worth at gamestop?

50$ don't trade it in. sell it on Craigslist or something.

What is the cheapest a Dsi or a Dsi XL?

The Dsi XL is more exspensive but worth it. It's about $190, and its big and has more readable words. Plus the Dsi XL - ( EXTRA LARGE) is so much more better and compared to the Dsi its one of the smallest things I ever seen.

How much the Nintendo DSi cost?

$170. Seems like a lot of money, but trust me, it IS worth it.

How much would a DSI be worth with broken L and R buttons?

50-100 dollars

How much is twenty dollars worth for a wii or dsi app?

8000 wii points to buy apps with, typical game on dsi cost 200 wii points

How much does a DSI points card that has 2000 points cost?

1 DSi point is worth one cent so the card will cost $20.00 (CAD/USD)

Does the action replay dsi affect the ds game or the dsi?

It can ultimatly affect the DSi, but not much. If you use an action replay on a game it has been known to crash, so it's not worth it unless you're really bored.

How much do a Nintendo dsi?

how much do a Nintendo dsi