1 DSi point is worth one cent so the card will cost $20.00 (CAD/USD)
It will vary how much points you want. 2000 points cost 20 dollars, 5000 cost 50 dollars and so on. (2000 points and 5000 points were just an example).
you can't buy that it eighther has to be a $10 dollar card or a $20 dollar card because 1500 points would be $15 dollars and there isn't a card like that.
An Xbox 360 Live points card varies in price depending on how many points you wish to purchase. For example 800 points costs around å£7 where as 4200 points costs around å£35.
It depends on how many Microsoft points you want. They have 500 Microsoft points for like 6 dollars. Like 1000 for 12 dollars. 2000 for 25 dollars. 5000 for 60 dollars. You can go on www.xbox.com and get ur points using a credit card, that's what I do. when u buy with ur credit card u can use ur points immeditley after the purchase. Hope this helped(:
twenty dollars, it depends where you buy it though, i got mine for $20 at a best buy store
it cost $19.96 at most wal-mart stores
It will vary how much points you want. 2000 points cost 20 dollars, 5000 cost 50 dollars and so on. (2000 points and 5000 points were just an example).
A Dsi and wii card together costs about $20.00 in Canada and gives you 2000 points to use in wii shop channel and Dsi shop channel!
It cost about $10-149 and 99cents
DSiWare games typically cost between 200 and 1200 points. The cost of Nintendo points cards vary depending on what region you're from. In the UK, a 1000 point card costs about £8. In the US, a 2000 point card costs $10.
On average, $19.99 for 2000 Wii Points.
4 bucks
you can't buy that it eighther has to be a $10 dollar card or a $20 dollar card because 1500 points would be $15 dollars and there isn't a card like that.
All i know is that $10 weeworld cash card is 5,000 weeworld points
Well, it depends on what ur buying. For example: a 1600 Microsoft points card cost $20.00 and a 4000 Microsoft poins card cost $50.00.
An Xbox 360 Live points card varies in price depending on how many points you wish to purchase. For example 800 points costs around å£7 where as 4200 points costs around å£35.