twenty dollars, it depends where you buy it though, i got mine for $20 at a best buy store
It will vary how much points you want. 2000 points cost 20 dollars, 5000 cost 50 dollars and so on. (2000 points and 5000 points were just an example).
== ==
1 DSi point is worth one cent so the card will cost $20.00 (CAD/USD)
An Nintendo DS cost $129.99 and a Nintendo DSi is $169.99
A Nintendo DSi costs roughly from $150 to $180.
For one magazine in your local newsstand it will cost about 10 dollars. If you want a subscribe, (12 issues) it will cost 20 dollars in the U.S. and 28 dollars in Canada. -1UPMushr00m
15.00$ thank of it this way 2000 points take away 2 digits and put a dismal point 20.00$
It cost about $10-149 and 99cents
It will vary how much points you want. 2000 points cost 20 dollars, 5000 cost 50 dollars and so on. (2000 points and 5000 points were just an example).
800 Nintendo Points, which is $8.
30 bucks in he U.S.
1000 points is $10, 2000 is $20, 3000 is $30, and 5000 is $50
A Dsi and wii card together costs about $20.00 in Canada and gives you 2000 points to use in wii shop channel and Dsi shop channel!
500 dsi points
DSiWare games typically cost between 200 and 1200 points. The cost of Nintendo points cards vary depending on what region you're from. In the UK, a 1000 point card costs about £8. In the US, a 2000 point card costs $10.
$1000 to $2000 depending on where u buy it