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An Nintendo DS cost $129.99 and a Nintendo DSi is $169.99

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Q: How much is a nintedo ds?
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Related questions

When was the nintedo ds made?

sometime in 2004

What nintedo ds game is the best to buy?


Where to get a nintedo DS?

umm, target,wallmart wherether you go

What Nintedo ds lite color looks best to you?


What can an nintedo dsi do?

It's just a DS with a camera. If you already have a camera and a DS, don't waste your money.

Bakugan video game come out?

Yes it did it came out for Nintedo DS and the Wii.

Where are the Lifter Sprites located in the Spiderwick Chronicles for nintedo ds?

under rocks

Where is the nintedo ds company located?

'likujhygfdrghjkl;' ';loiujhygtrftyuikol;'kjhgfdsdfghjkl;ikuytr

Is sims 3 for Nintendo at walmart?

I'm pretty sure they have it for xbox360 playstation and they do have it for nintedo ds

Why did your Nintedo DS just breakdown?

Probably either because you don't take care of it, or it is not charged.

Is there a green Nintendo DS?

Yes, actually there is a green Nintendo ds as well as a green nintedo ds lite. It's not very common but there are some great deals on eBay.

Can you unlock LEGO city on LEGO Indiana Jones for the nintedo ds?

yes im pretty sure you can =)