yes, if you're using Nintedo DS you can trade it, and if you're using an emulator, load it via Pokesav.. Good Luck..
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum,(for the nintedo DS) Cynthia's grandmother can be found in celestic town, which is located on next to mount cornet (it should be on your map). I believe that her grand mother is also the elder of the town if that helps you.
how much dose a ds cord cast
the first ds cost about 130
a Nintendo ds weighs 6554grams
sometime in 2004
umm, target,wallmart wherether you go
It's just a DS with a camera. If you already have a camera and a DS, don't waste your money.
Yes it did it came out for Nintedo DS and the Wii.
under rocks
'likujhygfdrghjkl;' ';loiujhygtrftyuikol;'kjhgfdsdfghjkl;ikuytr
I'm pretty sure they have it for xbox360 playstation and they do have it for nintedo ds
Probably either because you don't take care of it, or it is not charged.
Yes, actually there is a green Nintendo ds as well as a green nintedo ds lite. It's not very common but there are some great deals on eBay.
yes im pretty sure you can =)