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A Runescape private server can be run off of almost any personal computer for no cost. It does require extensive knowledge of networking and running a server, however.

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Q: How much does it cost to get runescape private server?
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Related questions

How do you make a runescape 562 private server?

Private server's are pretty much illegal, and I wouldn't recommend trying to make one.

What is the purpose of a RuneScape Private Server?

The purpose of a Runescape Private Server is to be able to play the game Runescape that is not controlled by Java. This means that the player is able to do member things for free as well as gain experience much more quickly.

What are RuneScape private servers and what are they used for?

A Runescape Private server is a player owned version of runescape pretty much, and they are used for players who can't afford to play the main runescape or who are not good at the main runescape to have their own little fun.

What is froogoscape?

A private server run to seem like runescape, while they are much alike, they are also very different.

How do you add mini games to your runescape private server such as the fight caves on karamja?

You may want to look up a guide on this on a private server site such as dodian, you will get a much better and quicker answer than asking on here.

What is lostpkz?

Its is a mmorpg that is like runescape but skills develop much quickier he is right/wrong. lostpkz is a private server privatly owned and skills are developed much quicker. to play lostpkz go to

What are the coordinates for all 4 God war bosses. Its for a runescape private sever?

Please direct all te Private server questions to either one of the following:DodianRune-locusMoparscapeThis way you will receive a better answer and a much quicker response.

How do you add custom commands to a runescape private server?

For this kind of question you should use the Rune-Locus forums, there you would receive a much faster and better response than on here.

Do RuneScape private servers rock and are they better than RuneScape?

"no, they suck and they are not fun. Many have bad graphics and they are illegal. better off playing runescape by Jagex." That is incorrect to say. Private servers are not 100% illegal. There is no proof that they "suck", in fact, may people enjoy private servers because they are easier to play, and allow you to access many items in a much more free world. Graphics depend on how much time the maker of the Private server spent on it. Some look good, some look bad. Easy as that. And the whole point of him/her asking this question was probably so they could not play Runescape by Jagex.

What is the best program to use for making customs for a runescape private server?

For this kind of question you should use the Rune-Locus forums, there you would receive a much faster and better response than on here.

How-do-i-change-the-spawn-point-of-characters-home RuneScape private server?

For this kind of question you should use the Rune-Locus forums, there you would receive a much faster and better response than on here.

How much do skill capes cost on runescape?
