It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
Depends on your server host.
20-23 $
Currently, Minecraft costs about: £13.95, $21.53, EUR15.97.
It's for Free. Just go to > download page > scroll all the way down > and download the minecraft server.exe and the minecraft server.jar!
It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
Depends on your server host.
There are 2 ways to run a server. 1. Make a server that you need to keep the console on (Which is free) 2. Make a server that you don't need to keep the console on (Which is not free)
mc servers where you don't host them cost money. no one will do this for you
20-23 $
Currently, Minecraft costs about: £13.95, $21.53, EUR15.97.
It's for Free. Just go to > download page > scroll all the way down > and download the minecraft server.exe and the minecraft server.jar!
Registering for Minecraft is free, it just set's you up for buying Minecraft. $26.95 US is how much it cost's.
You only pay for minecraft once, and that price is $26.95. However, if you are having a minecraft server, you have to pay $10 a month.
usd$ 29.75