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approximately $300-$700

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Q: How much do people spend on video games a year?
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How much money was spend on video games in 2008?

2 and a half by yasir

How much time do Americans spend on video games in a year?

roughly 9 months

How much does a kid spend on video games?

An average kid spends about 500 dollars per year on video games. The other 250 dollars worth of video games, he gets for Hanakkah, Kwannza, Christmas, or his/her birthday.

About how much money do children spend money on video games?

what kind of children are you talking about? rich, poor, etc..

Is video games good for kids?

Video games are things that pass time. When you spend too much time on them, you will be wasting your time or even be addicted to it. But if can manage to control how much you play and how much you like it, it won't be actually bad for you. You can actually learn things from video games e.g. Vocabulary, fast responses to thing etc.

Are violent video games appropriate?

Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.

How do I choose an Ipod with lots of memory for songs?

it depends if you only want sings and video. it. if you do, then i would suggest to get an ipod nano because you can listen to music and video. but if you want to spend a little more money for games and others, then iwould get the ipod touch. and if you want to have a lot of apps and games and video, probabpy get the 32gb. i had the 8gb, and i ran iut really fast, because i had a lot of games music and video. i really depends on how much you want to put on it, and how much you want to spend.

Why are video games under critiscisim?

Because a lot of people say too much video game playing is bad for you. And this is true. So people aren't really criticizing video games, they are trying to get people to cut back on video game time.

How much is 50 percent off of a new 60 dollar video game?

50% is half. Half of $60 is $30. Maybe you need to spend less of your time on video games.

How did video games change lives around the world?

it will because people are now getting stuck to their TVs now just cause of video games and people will get violent for playing too much violent games

How much majority of people are against violent video games?

I know a lot about violent video games because I researched on it, there are 90 percent of majority who are against video games and only 10 percent of majority who likes their children to play these violent video games!

Are people allowed to play video games?

Yes. You can play as much game as you want!! :)