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Q: How much can you sell a Hawlucha ex Pokemon card?
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How much should you sell Pokemon cards?

well it depeneds on the card it self what kind a card is it. please resoned asap THX

How much for an Igglypuff Pokemon card?

Try They sell a lot of cards at conveniently fair prices.

How much is a lvx Garchomp Pokemon card worth?

i bought a lvlX Garchomp for £10 and went on to sell it for £15.

How much coulde you sell a 15 year old Pokemon card for?

Around £10.00 I'm A Collector Myself!

How much is the bottom of a lugia legend Pokemon card worth?

as much as u want to sell it but not too much becuz nobody will buy it.

How much is luxray Pokemon?

In the games it doesn't cost anything or worth anything, because you can't buy or sell Pokemon. As a card, around two dollars almost.

How much is trapinch pokemon?

It doesn't worth or cost anything, because in the games you can't buy it or sell it. As a card, nearly two dollars.

Is the spanish version of Pokemon holographic Alakazam card worth much?

Probably not- I can't see you getting over $5 from it, that is, if you are trying to sell it.

How much should you sell your trading card for?

It depends on the card.

At what price should i sell my Pokemon card chansey prime from heartgold?

7 $

How much is a mint condition time space distortion card from Pokemon ex mysterious treasures?

It ranges from 40-70$, depending on whom you sell it to.

Do they sell the shadow lugia pokemon card in stores?

They sell them at some ToysRUs stores, but they mostly have online on Amazon.