You cannot marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Your options are Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen, and Popuri. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
The action replay codes for Kai are as follows: Kai Affection/Friend223BF434 000000FF123BF438 0000FFFF. There are no max affection codes for the game, but you can use these to speed up the affection.
Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.
» 60,000 to 65,535 = Red Heart 65,535 LP is the max Affection.
No, Flora is not a marriage candidate in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. She is a marriage candidate in Harvest Moon DS.
you can get married any year, you just need to get a girls affection up till she'll accept a blue feather.
Take wine to her every day, It improves her affection for you by 500. And talk to her twice a day.
Harvest Moon is a game made by a company named NATSUME. Harvest moon is more about on farming, having a goodlife in a farm, planting, making friends and even marry someone you love.
You cannot marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Your options are Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen, and Popuri. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
You can get married in all the Harvest Moon games.
10 hearts
No. If you want to marry a guy you'll need to get Harvest Moon DS Cute.
same as in any Harvest Moon game. First get someone to marry you. Then wait. And save up money while you wait! Kids are expensive
The action replay codes for Kai are as follows: Kai Affection/Friend223BF434 000000FF123BF438 0000FFFF. There are no max affection codes for the game, but you can use these to speed up the affection.
Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.