

Best Answer

Words that can be made with the letters in ADMINISTRATION are:

  1. a
  2. ad
  3. admit
  4. adorn
  5. adroit
  6. aim
  7. air
  8. am
  9. an
  10. arid
  11. arm
  12. art
  13. at
  14. dam
  15. darn
  16. dart
  17. dim
  18. din
  19. dirt
  20. drain
  21. I
  22. id
  23. idiot
  24. in
  25. instant
  26. iris
  27. is
  28. it
  29. man
  30. mar
  31. martin
  32. mint
  33. mist
  34. moat
  35. most
  36. nation
  37. oar
  38. oat
  39. or
  40. ordain
  41. radio
  42. radon
  43. road
  44. roam
  45. roast
  46. star
  47. stir
  48. timid
  49. to
  50. toad
  51. toast
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Q: How many words can you make out the word administration?
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