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3-letter words

ace, ape, arc, are, ark, ars, ask, asp, ass, aye, ays, cap, car, cay, cep, cry, ear, era, err, ers, ess, kae, kas, kay, kea, kep, key, pac, par, pas, pay, pea, per, pes, pry, pya, pye, rap, ras, ray, rec, rep, res, rya, rye, sac, sae, sap, say, sea, sec, ser, ska, sky, spa, spy, yak, yap, yar, yea, yep, yes

4-letter words

aces, acre, aery, aper, apes, apse, arcs, ares, arks, asks, asps, ayes, cake, caky, cape, caps, care, cark, carp, cars, case, cask, cays, ceps, cess, crap, ears, easy, eras, errs, espy, eyas, eyra, kaes, kays, keas, keps, keys, kyar, pace, pack, pacs, pare, park, parr, pars, pase, pass, pays, peak, pear, peas, peck, pecs, perk, pray, prey, pyas, pyes, pyre, race, rack, racy, rake, rape, raps, rare, rase, rasp, rays, reap, rear, reck, recs, reps, ryas, ryes, ryke, sack, sacs, sake, saps, sark, says, scar, scry, sear, seas, secs, sera, sers, skas, skep, spae, spar, spas, spay, spec, spry, syce, syke, yack, yaks, yaps, yare, year, yeas, yerk

5-letter words

acres, apers, apery, apres, apses, arses, asker, asper, cakes, cakey, caper, capes, carer, cares, carks, carps, carry, carse, cases, casks, casky, crake, crape, craps, crass, creak, crepy, cress, escar, eskar, essay, eyras, kerry, kyars, pacer, paces, packs, parer, pares, parks, parrs, parry, parse, pases, passe, payer, peaks, peaky, Pears, pecks, pecky, perks, perky, perry, pesky, prase, prays, presa, press, preys, pryer, pyres, racer, races, racks, raker, rakes, raper, rapes, rares, raser, rases, rasps, raspy, reaps, rears, recap, recks, repay, resay, rykes, sacks, saker, sakes, sarks, sarky, sayer, scape, scare, scarp, scars, scary, scrap, sears, serac, serry, skeps, space, spacy, spaes, spake, spare, spark, spars, spays, speak, spear, speck, specs, spray, syces, sykes, yacks, yarer, years, yerks

6-letter words

askers, aspers, capers, carers, caress, carper, carses, crakes, crapes, crases, creaks, creaky, creasy, cypres, escarp, escars, eskars, pacers, packer, parers, parker, parsec, parser, parses, passer, payers, prases, prayer, pryers, racers, racker, rakers, rapers, rasers, rasper, recaps, repack, repark, repass, repays, rerack, resays, sacker, sakers, sayers, scapes, scarer, scares, scarey, scarps, scarry, scrape, scraps, screak, secpar, seracs, skerry, skycap, spacer, spaces, spacey, sparer, spares, sparks, sparky, sparry, sparse, speaks, spears, specks, sprays, spryer

7-letter words

carpers, crasser, cypress, escarps, packers, parkers, parsecs, parsers, passkey, pessary, prayers, rackers, raspers, repacks, reparks, reracks, respray, sackers, scarers, scarper, scraper, scrapes, screaks, screaky, secpars, skycaps, spacers, sparers, sparker, sparser, sprayer

8-letter words

resprays, scarpers, scrapers, sparkers, sprayers

10-letter words


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Q: How many words can you make out of the words skyscraper?
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A tall modern building of many storeys. Named a skyscraper because it appears to scrape the sky.

How many stories does a 18 floor skyscraper have?

A floor is a story in a skyscraper. so if you have 18 floors u have 18 stories.