

Best Answer

Words that can be made from the letters in holidays:

  1. a
  2. ad
  3. ah
  4. aid
  5. ail
  6. also
  7. as
  8. ash
  9. daily
  10. dais
  11. daisy
  12. dash
  13. day
  14. dial
  15. dish
  16. do
  17. doily
  18. ha
  19. had
  20. hail
  21. has
  22. hay
  23. hi
  24. hid
  25. his
  26. ho
  27. hod
  28. hold
  29. holy
  30. I
  31. id
  32. is
  33. lad
  34. lady
  35. laid
  36. lash
  37. lay
  38. lid
  39. lo
  40. load
  41. oh
  42. oil
  43. oily
  44. old
  45. sad
  46. said
  47. sail
  48. say
  49. shad
  50. shoal
  51. silo
  52. slay
  53. slid
  54. so
  55. soda
  56. soil
  57. sold
  58. solid
  59. soy
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