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3-letter words

aah, aba, aby, aha, aid, ain, air, ait, ana, and, ani, ant, any, apt, arb, art, baa, bad, bah, ban, bar, bat, bay, bid, bin, bit, bra, brr, dab, dah, dap, day, dib, din, dip, dit, dry, had, hah, hap, hat, hay, hid, hin, hip, hit, hyp, nab, nah, nap, nay, nib, nip, nit, nth, pad, pah, pan, pap, par, pat, pay, phi, pht, pia, pin, pip, pit, pry, pya, rad, rah, ran, rap, rat, ray, ria, rib, rid, rin, rip, rya, tab, tad, tan, tap, tar, thy, tin, tip, try, yah, yap, yar, yay, yin, yip

4-letter words

abri, adit, airn, airt, airy, anta, anti, aria, arid, arty, atap, ayah, ayin, baht, bait, band, bani, bard, barn, bath, bind, bint, bird, birr, brad, bran, brat, bray, brin, brit, darb, darn, dart, data, dint, dipt, dirt, dita, drab, drat, dray, drib, drip, haar, haha, hair, hand, hant, hard, harp, hart, hath, hind, hint, inby, nard, nary, nipa, padi, paid, pain, pair, pant, papa, para, pard, parr, part, path, paty, phat, pian, pina, pint, piny, pipy, pirn, pita, pith, pity, prat, pray, pyin, raia, raid, rain, rand, rani, rant, rapt, rath, raya, rind, rynd, tahr, tain, tapa, tarn, tarp, than, thin, thir, tidy, tiny, trad, trap, tray, trip, typp, typy, yard, yarn, yird, yirr

5-letter words

adapt, adyta, airth, antra, apart, aphid, apian, arhat, array, atria, atrip, bairn, baith, bandy, banty, barny, birth, braid, brain, brand, brant, briar, briny, dairy, diary, dinar, dippy, dirty, drain, dript, habit, hairy, handy, happy, hardy, harpy, harry, hippy, hydra, hypha, inapt, nadir, naiad, naira, nappy, nippy, padri, paint, panda, pandy, panty, pardi, pardy, parry, party, patin, phpht, pinta, pithy, print, pyran, rabat, rabid, radar, rainy, randy, ranid, rapid, ratan, rayah, rhyta, riant, riata, tabid, tapir, tardy, tarry, third, thrip, tiara, tippy, train, triad, yaird, yirth

6-letter words

antiar, apathy, aphtha, apiary, arrant, bandit, baryta, bayard, binary, brainy, brandy, briard, briary, bypath, dainty, datary, dharna, drippy, harpin, hatpin, hybrid, hydria, indaba, painty, panada, pandit, pantry, papain, papaya, papyri, paraph, pardah, pariah, parian, parity, partan, patina, payday, pinata, pirana, piraya, radian, raphia, rarity, ratany, riband, riprap, ritard, tabard, taipan, tarpan, trapan, yantra

7-letter words

apparat, biparty, daphnia, habitan, hardhat, hardpan, hariana, hatband, hydrant, naphtha, papayan, paphian, phratry, pintada, piranha, radiant, rhatany, tabanid, tanyard, trinary

8-letter words

abradant, banditry, barnyard, birthday, dahabiah, dahabiya, hairband, haphtara, harridan, hydranth, intraday, papyrian

9-letter words

antiradar, hypanthia

10-letter words


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--------, , , , -------- ------- |_|_|_|--------- -------| Happy |-------- ------| Birthday |------ ---- |**you****|----- --- |**retard***|-----

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greet happy birthday to the birthday child

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happy birthday, happy birthday, people dying every day but happy birthday Answer It's your birthday, make a mess : It's your birthday, wear a dress : It's your birthday, you look swell : It's your birthday, tip us well!

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Well, you could give her a gift, make a homemade card for her, simply give her a hug and say happy birthday, or call her and sing happy birthday to her.

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Happy Birthday pictures can be copied at Staples or if you have them in a digital format then you can send them to a website such as Photobox or Snapfish.

Where can you find a unique happy birthday banner?

One could find a unique happy birthday banner at any party supply store. But if one wants their happy birthday banner to be very unique, then they should make it themselves.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^~ --------------------- | $$ happy b-day $

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say it happy birthday

Why do kids get gifts on their birthday?

to make them feel special and cared about and happy

How would you react if people would sing Happy Birthday to you in a restaurant?

I would likely react by feeling shy and awkward if people would sing happy birthday to me in a restaurant. I would also be happy that people remembered my birthday and wanted to make it special.

What words can you make from the word happy?

The word happy can be separated out and rearranged to make several brand new words. Some of the words that can be made using the letters in happy are ha, pa, pap, pay, hay, and yap.