Words that can be made from the letters in embarrassed are:
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
I can make four. How many can you make?
Words that I can make from the word sword are:doorowrodrowsodsowword
Red in the face, beetroot.
Many words begin with the letters EM. Some of those words are emailed, emanate, emancipate, embarrassed, emblem, emerald, empire and empty.
There are a few different things that can happen that makes them feel embarrassed. Many school kids get embarrassed when wear something different. All people have had things to them to make them feel embarrassed.In the school like people get embarrassed about what they wear or eat.
I was so embarrassed when Glen told that awful joke to our Japanese visitors.
it means to make someone embarrassed.
· embarrassed · embellished · eminent · emotional · empty
Synonyms for the word 'embarrassed' could include words such as abash, bother, discombobulate, distress, perplex, stun, discompose, disconcert or stun.
If you wouldn't be embarrassed by doing the same for another person, then it shouldn't make any difference.
Some words that rhyme with "parish" are cherish, perish, and embarrassed.
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame
I was embarrassed when I sat on the desk instead of the chair, I looked like a lady. P.S, I'M JUST MAKING AN EXAMPLE.
funny,happy raucous / jubilant / drunken / derogatory / sleazy / embarrassed