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Good choice, here are just a few words:- termination, nation, term, time, red, tendon, tandem, enter, minor, meter, mention, tent, team, meat, meet, treat, man, men, mend, meant, mind, mine, tired, dead, need, deed, indeed, mite, tender, deter, mat, matter, tame, name, dame, none, note, demote, atom, tire, in, tin, to, ton, tone, moan, roam, dent, nod, noted, tinder, timid, mitre, matron, ration, rationed, meteor, Dane, date, riot, trim, made, maid, toad, road, tram, trend, render, dome, done, dote, dotted, dot, teat, ant, roman, mare, dare, tare, torn, tear, deer, dear, tree, trend, atone, tame.

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Q: How many words can you make out of determination?
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