base, bat, ball, tour, tort, sort, court, lore, sore, pore, rob, sob, cob, bob, lob, tub, task, lose, lost, route, ask, lab, all, sell, tall, call, back, backs, talk, talks, boast, roast, toast, lock, toe, sole, robe, colt, rotate, bolt, bottle, bottles, cattle, battle, battles, bet, sat, seat, beat, teak, oak, react, least, beast, bark, tusk, tolu, roll, toll, skull, stalk, as, at, an, ban, son, sonar, sober, ebb, rub, trust, bust, lust, crust, bra, orb, belt, real, last, cast, rack, basket, cat, steak, bake, baker, cake, rakeear, tear, bear, tea, able, table, stall, star, are, bare, care, tar, sear
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
basket ball bate ask let tab tabs baskets balls bat at lab labs bets beat beats bets bells bell
I can make four. How many can you make?
Words that I can make from the word sword are:doorowrodrowsodsowword
Length Of CourtHigh school Basketball Court = 2560.3 cmCollege Basketball Court = 2560.3 cmNBA Basketball Court = 2865.1 cmWidth of CourtAll = 1524 cm
10 players
there can be 10 total people on the court playing. five people for each team.
9 yards
Here are some: slick shiny hard rectangular etc.
28 and 24
In a normal game of basketball, each team will have 5 players. This is most easily done when playing full court, but is still acceptable for half court play. However, half court matches are usually played when there are not 10 players present, so there can be anywhere from 2-10 people present to play half court basketball. The fact that this is a women's game does not make any difference.
112.34 times
If you're running on a HS/college basketball should measure 84 ft X 50 ft. The total perimeter of the court totals 268 feet. The total distance in feet of a one mile run is 5280 feet. Divide 5280 / 268 = 19.7 laps around the basketball court.