There are 17 letters in the phrase "Black History Month." By using all the letters, you can create a total of 1,307,674,368,000 (17 factorial) different arrangements of these letters. However, not all of these arrangements will form valid English words. To determine the exact number of valid words that can be made from these letters, one would need to consult a dictionary or a word list.
Oh, what a happy little question! You can make many words out of "Black History Month," like story, history, month, black, and many more. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, when you look closely, you'll find so much color and beauty in each word. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.
Nope, because there is no black ores, to make black bars to make the armour.
Words from the letters "make" include:ammame
Depends about 5,000 dollars a month for the average programmer.
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
Black History month was designed to make the general populous aware of the contributions of black Americans. Their contributions have been largely overlooked in history books. Black history month is for recognition and information. Americans needs to know of their contributions.
Dr.Carter G. Woodson made history by being the founder of Black History Month (:
Of course he is! Jimi Hendrix is notably one of the best electric guitarists of all time, and he is an important part of music history. Jimi Hendrix was a revolutionary and an inspiration. I'm sure that he would make a great black history month report.
Black history month was created so that we can learn what happened in the past, and be happy that we are finally free. It wasn't made to uplift the black race, or make it seem like we are better than anyone else. It is there so that we be thankful and happy that black people became free. If we were not slaves, I can guarantee you that there would be no such thing as a black history month. The only reason why there isn't a 'month' for any other race is because no other races were held as slaves. All other races were free -- the African-American race just happened to be the ones as slaves, and so people celebrate their freedom. Now of course that doesn't mean that you can't be proud of the accomplishments of your race.
We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February. In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.
February 10, 1976. For his speech, see
We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February. In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.
she made black history page by being the first black person to go to an all white shool
2nd Black American in space.
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yes, he was the first black person to be in "professional" comedy buissness.
$104,260 wich is about $8,000 a month