PHYSICAL EDUCATION, cat, cats, late, lad, lade, laden, lades, load, loads, lode, lodes, shoe, shot, loud, led, lead, leads, plead, plaid, pleads, plaids, hate, hates, head, heads, shed, phone, Phil, dale, ace, laces, lash, cash, tush, push, such, dish, dice, dial, caution, cautions, dials, den, dens, elation, duel, cone, cold, could, pound, pounds, sate, sated, date, dates, slate, shale, sane, pane, pain, panes, pains, Spain, lap, lope, hope, hopes, lopes, slope, lop, slop, hop, shop, shod, case, pace, space, paces, chain, chains, chained, Cain, cap, nap, caps, naps, cup, cups, cud, cuds, cad, cads, ton, tone, dope, dopes, tones, taupe, nite, nites, site, siphon,
eclat, chad, chit, child, chads, chits, said, sat, set, sit, since, pant, pants, lance, dance, lances, dances, not, note, coat, notes, coats, clone, clones, sine, scan, scale, scat, clan, clans, clad, clap, pal, claps, pals, pail, pails, pales, snail, dip, tip, top, dips, tips, staple, pulse, pun, pounce, pounces, dean, neat, deans, seat, tea, teas, tine, tines, line, lines, Nile, notice, notices, nope, nod, node, pod, pods, mods, nodes
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
I can make four. How many can you make?
Words that I can make from the word sword are:doorowrodrowsodsowword
Physical education is included in education because of health reasons. It is exercise, which many people do not always get enough of.
In my opinion Physical education has many kinds. for example: Physical education through physical activities Physical education is a knowledge of body mechanisum Physically &Mentally healthy society based on physical education Physical education provides recreation Physical education deals with the perception and responces of human beings Emman kazi
There are four aspects to physical education. Those aspects are: physical, mental, emotional and social. In recent years many schools have added health and nutrition to physical education.
Yes, there are many students who major in physical education, with state teachers certification.
There are many other words that can be used to represent education. You could use the word schooling to replace education in example.
The Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed or MPhEd) is a postgraduateacademic degree in physical education awarded by universities. A Master of Arts is a type of master's degree awarded by universities in many countries.
Physical education is an integral part of educational program design to promote the optimum development of an individual physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities .Physical Education is the process by which changes in the individual are bought about through movements experiences.Physical Education aims not only at physical development but is also concerned with education of the whole person through physical activities.
There are many words similar to education. Some words like training, academics, courses, schooling, and course of study are examples of words that can be used instead of education.
There are many types and challenges in physical and health education mostly in Nigeria. Due to my explanation you would see the harmful and the importance of it. Douglas Yakubu.
The letters can be used to spell the anagram word cautioned. They also can be scrambled to spell auctioned.
Physical Education is primarily taught in middle and high school. It has many purposes, mainly to provide inactive students with some activity to keep them in shape. In addition to healthful purposes, with the absence of recess, gym provides a much needed athletic escape from a hard day of studies. Overall, gym, or PE, has many purposes from keeping kids healthy to providing a fun escape from classes, gym is a much needed class.