

Best Answer

Words that can be made from the letters in 'lizard' are:

  1. a
  2. ad, ads
  3. aid, aids
  4. ail, ails
  5. air, airs
  6. arid
  7. as
  8. dais
  9. dial, dials
  10. I
  11. id
  12. is
  13. la
  14. lad, lads
  15. laid
  16. lair, lairs
  17. lard
  18. liar, liars
  19. lid, lids
  20. lira
  21. raid, raids
  22. rail, rails
  23. rid, rids
  24. sad
  25. said
  26. sail
  27. sard
  28. sari
  29. sir
  30. slid
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Q: How many words can you make from lizards?
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How many words can you make out of lizards?

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Do lizards make fairies?

No. Lizards don't make fairies. Sorry!!

How many lizards are there in the tropical rain forest?

5698 lizards

What types of lizards adapt to harsh conditions?

there are many lizards

Do lizards make good pets?

Depends what lizards really... But Leopard geckos make GREAT pets. Hope This Helps!

Are lizards and snakes are carnivores?

All snakes and many lizards are carnivores. Some lizards are herbivores or omnivores.

What do lizards make there houses out of?

out of anything they can

Why do you have lizards?

Lizards have many benefits. They can eat annoying bugs, and....yea........

How many lizards were in the hole with Stanley?

8 Yellow spotted lizards

What are some words that describe lizards?

tricky defensive slippery

How many words could you make out of make?

You can make the words: ma, me, am,

Do beetles eat lizards?

Yes. Many species of lizards eat beetles.