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It takes exactly 1562 uses to use up a Diamond Pickaxe.

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Q: How many uses does a Diamond pickaxe take on minecraft?
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How long does it take to mine obsidian with a wooden pickaxe in minecraft?

You can't. You need a diamond pickaxe unless you have the crusher mod.

How many seconds does it take to destroy obsidian in minecraft with your hand?

Without a diamond pickaxe, it will take 250 seconds to break and won't even drop a block. However with a diamond pickaxe, it will take 10 seconds, and the block will drop. My source : I tried it myself

Can you mine Obsidian with a diamond shovel in minecraft?

No, you need a diamond pickaxe to successfully mine obsidian, and it takes 15 seconds. With anything else it take a minute, roughly. If you do not use a diamond pickaxe you will not be able to mine the obsidian.

How many seconds does it take for an Iron Pickaxe to mine smooth stone in minecraft?

About half a second.

How long does it take to mine obsidian by hand in minecraft?

It takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds for any other tool than a Diamond Pickaxe to break an Obsidian block, and no block is dropped.

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How do you get cobblestone in Minecraft?

take your pickaxe and mine stone, its the most simple thing to do in the game

Can dogs mine?

Yes. You probably should take the time to craft a diamond or iron pickaxe, as a wooden one will break after 60 uses, and a stone one will break after 132 uses. You should not take the time to craft a gold pickaxe, as it will break after just 33 uses.

What is a the strongest common block in minecraft?

Bedrock is the most common but it is not obtainable in survival mode. Next to bedrock there is obsidian which can be made with water and lava so there is basically an infinite amount. Obsidian is explosive resistant and lava resistant. You need a diamond pickaxe to mine obsidian and it can take some time.

How do people mine obsidian?

Obsidian is typically mined through the use of a diamond-tipped pickaxe due to its hardness. Miners can mine obsidian by breaking the blocks with the pickaxe, but it is a slow process because obsidian takes a longer time to break than other minerals. Once mined, obsidian can be crafted into various tools and blocks for use in Minecraft.

How many diamonds does it take to make full diamond gear in Minecraft?

It takes 26 diamonds to make the armour and 11 for the tools, that's 38 diamonds in total.