It takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds for any other tool than a Diamond Pickaxe to break an Obsidian block, and no block is dropped.
It takes four minutes, but it does not drop an obsidian block.
You play minecraft by either starting a creative world and hitting the "e" key to open an inventory of blocks to place and build with, or start a survival world and collect resources like wood to make tools, then mine ores with a pickaxe and see how long you can survive the mobs!
Kittens don't grow in minecraft
a few minecraft days
It takes 4 minutes and 10 seconds for any other tool than a Diamond Pickaxe to break an Obsidian block, and no block is dropped.
You need a pickaxe, it takes a long time to break them with other tools.
It takes four minutes, but it does not drop an obsidian block.
You cannot mine bedrock, it is indestructible. If you instead meant obsidian, then 15 seconds.
It depends, I suppose. I think the best answer would be diamonds, because it makes the strongest armor and tools, and finding it is very difficult and takes a lot of time. You actually need diamonds to get to the End, because to open then end portal you need eyes of ender, which require blaze powder to craft. You make blaze powder from blaze rods, which come from blazes, only found in the Nether. And to go there, you need obsidian to make the portal, and you need diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe to mine the obsidian..... make sense?
You play minecraft by either starting a creative world and hitting the "e" key to open an inventory of blocks to place and build with, or start a survival world and collect resources like wood to make tools, then mine ores with a pickaxe and see how long you can survive the mobs!
the things you need to know is that you would need a iron pickaxe or higher to be able to mine it, you'll need to go down a long way to find them basically to the bottom of the earth
I have gotten lots of obsidian and what you need to do is get a diamond pickaxe then mine it out, it will take 15 seconds.If you won't to make obsidian you need still lava and flowing water.If you want to make it your self you need a bucket of water and a lava river then place the bucket on the lava.Once you have done that you mine it out and arrange the blocks in a certain way(a website you could go on is minecraft wiki it will tell you how to craft lots of stuff and the way to arrange the obsidian)then get a flint and steel and lite the obsidian and there you go a portal to the nether thats what you make with obsidian.
Get some blocks. make a circle light it on fire and jump in. Yes, I know, this answer is so bad that it's funny. It's true, but there's not enough description in it. Here's a more detailed explanation. First, you need to play the game until you get diamonds. With three diamonds and two sticks, make a diamond pickaxe. If you don't know how to make a pickaxe of any kind (Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond), you: do With the diamond pickaxe, and maybe a bucket of water or two, you have to go down to your mine/cave. A cave is much better, as you have a higher chance of finding what you need. For maximum results, go down to layer 10 of the map, which is 10 layers up from the last layer of bedrock. If you are deep enough, you will be deep enough for diamonds and will see a lot of lava. Look for a purplish or black block. This is obsidian. Obsidian is the strongest thing that you can pick up and place without creative mode or a mod that lets you pick up bedrock, or an inventory editor, like Inside Job, InvEdit, or TooManyItems. It will take 15 seconds to mine with a diamond pickaxe, so don't be surprised for a long time, if it's not a diamond pickaxe that you are using, it will take 50 seconds to break and will not drop. Oh yes, obsidian is creeper resistant. If the obsidian is natural, you will see water over it. If you don't like the water pushing you, get rid of it by swimming up it, getting rid of the source block (The block that the water is coming from, and float down. Now be careful if the obsidian was natural, as due to the way that obsidian was made, by water touching still lava, there is a large chance that lave may be under the obsidian, so mine carefully. When you get 10-14 blocks of obsidian, go back up. You need to build a frame of obsidian like this. #### #__ # #__ # #### Now notice that this frame must be upright. The corners are not important, so you can make an "eco" frame without the corners. When you are done this, you need to make a fire, with flint and steel, or fire from an inventory editor. To craft flint and steel, first go and punch or dig gravel. You will mostly get gravel, but there is a 1/10 chance of getting a black, pointy rock instead. This is flint. To get steel, mine up some pink ore with a stone pickaxe or better, and smelt that ingot. And for the newest player who doesn't know how to even get sticks for a pickaxe, check the pickaxe recipe here: (# = Material | = Stick) ### _| _| (Materials are: Wood Planks, Cobblestone, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots, Diamond) To get a stick, punch a log of any kind until it breaks, and place that log on a crafting table or your 2X2 crafting grid in your inventory (The four squares below the word "Crafting") This will make 4 planks, and place the planks like this: # # And that will give you four sticks. To craft a furnace if you need it, get 8 cobblestone and do this: ### #_ # ### When you have that done, craft the flint and steel like this: (# = Flint, $ = Steel) $ _# With the flint and steel, right click inside the frame to start a fire. If you did it right, you will see purple portal blocks in the frame. Stand in this portal for a few seconds and you will be transported to the Nether!
It helps whatever you have not break for a long time.
A while.