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Kittens don't grow in minecraft

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Q: How long does it take for a kitten to grow in Minecraft?
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Does a kitten recognize his owner?

Of course! It really doesn't take long for the kitten to distinguish its owner from other humans.

How long does it take for a melon to grow in minecraft?

you put the one melon slice on the crafting table where it give you melon seeds and you take the melon seed put it in a grass block that has been hoed then just wait for it to grow. ps you need water for it to grow

Is a kitten a best pet for a 9 year old?

As long as they do not want a dog, they can take care of the kitten and understand what they can not do with the kitten, sure buy them a kitten. If they can't, or as most kids say "I forgot" when they don't take responsibility. Buy them a fish if there is ANY doubt.

How many years to grow a kitten in to a cat?

Normally a kitten is fully grown when it reaches one year old. Some larger breeds can take up to four years to reach maturity.

How long does a newborn kitten need his or her mother to take care of them?

6-8 weeks

In minecraft how long do wolves attack for?

It depends on your health and how long it would take for you to get down.