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The answer changes every time. You can figure out the answer by going into the pet shop. Then, you will see a note on a brown puffle house on the left. Click on it. Read it using the secret agent code. At the bottom beside your inventory, mouse over CODE so it can help you read the secret code.

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Q: How many socks does Gary the Gadget Guy have on Club Penguin?
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Where is gary in club penguin?

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i think its gadget guy

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you use Gary the gadget guy's old pair of glasses

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How many socks does Gary of Club Penguin own?

he has 75 pairs of socks

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Gary the Gadget Guy... That is all i can say...

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What is the name of the scientist on Club Penguin?

Gary the Gadget Guy, or G.

How many socks does Gary own on club penguin?