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there are 5 two on the window of the dojo (you have to wait a while). one in the dojo one in the ski lodge and one in the lighthouse waddle on

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Q: How many ninja shadows are there in club penguin?
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How many times do you have to become a ninja on club penguin?


How many times you have to win to get the black belt in club penguin?

YOU HAVE TO DO IT 88 times trust me i am a ninja

On Club Penguin is there a dojo shop?

Yes, in the secret ninja room. Your have to be a ninja first but you can get a dojo igloo, a ninja costume etc. There isn't that many items in the ninja catologe but as time goes on I bet there will be more things (and likely thing to retire) -Lightsky19 (member of club penguin since July 2007)

How many people create penguins on Club Penguin in a day?

lots lots lots of people create penguins in a day I have a club penguin account its called No 1 ninja. XD

How do you get the ninja suit in Club Penguin?

(you need to be a member for this) First you need to be a ninja, with the black belt, and then go to the ninja hideout, then go to the ninja emporium ( that means the stand at the top middle of your club penguin screen) . Look through the catalog and then it will appear the ninja suit! It costs 1000 coins. And you can also get the wind bracers. There are also many stuff in there so yeah. There ya go!

What is Club Penguin storm 8.0?

I have not played 8.0, But it gives you as many coins as you want. Lets you obtain almost any home or object you want in club penguin. Also if you are not a fire ninja, or you are not a advanced operation penguin you can go in that objection.

In club penguin and your a gray belt how many people do you have to beat in a row to bcaome a ninja so u can fight the sensi?


How many Club Penguin colours are there in Club Penguin?


How many people hate Club Penguin?

Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.

How many is there to collect for Club Penguin?

The amount of how many there is to collect on club penguin would be 2900 In counting

What are the code for on club penguin unlock items?

There are many club penguin toy codes.

How many people play Club Penguin?

120,000,000 people play club penguin!