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Q: How many marines died in the halo war?
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How many us marines inlisted in the vienam war?

Approximately 391,000 US Marines served in the Vietnam War; approximately 14,838 US Marines died in Vietnam.

How many US marines died in the vietnam war?

I have numerous books on D-Day which say US Marines did not fight there. All 4 Marine divisions were active in the Pacific at that

How many Marines died in World War 1?

Since the USMC was set up after WW 1, there were no Marine casualties in WW1.

How many marines have been killed in all in war?

Too many

How many marine infantry men where killed in Vietnam war?

Over 14,800 US Marines died in Vietnam, but some were tank crewmen or aviators.

How many marines were wounded in action in Vietnam?

13,095 U.S Marines were wounded in action during the Vietnam War.

What is the closest game to halo war on the internet?

Halo War.

What is the halo games timelines?

halo wars: 20 years before end of war halo reach: 7 years before end of war halo 1: beginning of the discovery of the rings halo 2: several years after halo 1 during earth invasion halo ODST: few minutes after covenant ship jump in halo 2 halo 3: end of the 30 year war halo 4: 4 years after end of war and begining of new war

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How many American troops died during World War 2?

During WWII 416,800 American soldiers died. During the war 2.5 per cent of the entire worlds population died between 1939 and 1945.

Vietnam War names of usmc casulties?

OVER 14,800 US Marines died in the Vietnam War. If you want their names, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall has them recorded there.

What was meant by the letters HAM during World War 2?

During World War II male marines often referred to female marines as being BAMs which stood for BROAD ASSED MARINES. The female marines returned the favor by referring to male marines as HAMs which stood for HAIRY ASSED MARINES.