it goes up to g
Well, darling, i-Ready has different programs for different subjects and grade levels, so the number of levels can vary. But typically, there are around 20 levels for reading and 15 levels for math. Just remember, it's not about the number of levels, it's about how you rock each one with style and smarts.
iReady, an educational software program, typically consists of six instructional levels: kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade. Each level is designed to provide personalized instruction and practice in reading and math skills based on the student's individual needs and abilities. Students progress through the levels as they demonstrate mastery of the content and skills at each stage.
all levels a-z
In iReady, the levels are not designated by letters like "level h." iReady uses a color-coding system with levels ranging from (most challenging to least challenging) red, yellow, green, and blue. Each level corresponds to a certain range of Lexile scores and represents a specific difficulty level for reading and math content.
minytoon or greg
Whenyoure in college
No. The closer to the beginning of the alphabet the letter is, the lower grade the level is.
5 Gallons
8th grade
Are you need to ask your teacher that's all
4 levels
Four levels