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Nine levels

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Q: How many levels are on sonic unleashed?
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Related questions

How many levels are in Sonic unleashed?

Around 28

What levels will there be in Sonic Generations?

There will be 2 options: Play as the original Sonic in the original levels, or play as the newer Sonic in levels like in Sonic Colors or Sonic Unleashed.

How do you get extra movies on sonic unleashed?

pass the freaken levels

What age rating is Sonic Unleashed?

Sonic Unleashed is 7+

When did Sonic Unleashed happen?

Sonic Unleashed happened in 360.

Which is better sonic unleashed or sonic and the secret rings?


Would Sonic unleashed be better then Sonic generations or is Sonic generations better then Sonic unleashed?


What is Sonic the Werehog in Sonic Unleashed for the Wii?

Sonic will transform into a werehog during the night in sonic unleashed.

Which game is really better Sonic and the black knight or Sonic Unleashed?

Sonic and the black knight that game is so much cooler than Sonic Unleashed. I mean is Knuckles in Sonic Unleashed? No. Is Shadow in Sonic Unleashed?No. Plus there playable too on Sonic and the black knight.And is Sonic Unleashed multiplayer?.N-O. But Sonic and the black Knight.

When do you get to use items on sonic unleashed for PS2?

go to the gallery and the items in levels that are found can be viewed

Will their be a sonic game after sonic unleashed?

Yes, there are Sonic games after Sonic Unleashed. At the time of writing, the latest will be Sonic Generations.

What year was Sonic Unleashed made?

SONIC unleashed was made in 2009