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2 Big hearts-- Maximum happiness.

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Q: How many hearts dos budew need evolve?
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What do you need to give so that budew evolve?

Budew evolve when their happiness is maxed out

How many levels does budew need to evolve?

It is in the 20's.

How do you evolve budew in heartgold?

if you want to evolve budew you will need to make it happy and it has to be daytime. if you then wnt to evolve your Roselia into a Roserade, you have to give it a shiny stone

In pokemon pearl what level does budew evolve?

You can't evolve budew by leveling it up because you need to get high friendship battle more to gain friendship

On Pokemon pearl what level does budew evolve on?

Budew does not evolve from leveling it up, Budew evolves from friendship. you will know it has full friendship with poketch app friendship checker, which you get from the president of the poketch company, and when budew has two giant hearts, it has full friendship, to speed up the proccess I suggest giving it a soothe bell, feeding it pofffins, walking with it in the area north of hearthome, and battling with it. If you want a roserade use a shiny stone which you can find in the side entrance of iron island NOTICE: Budew will only evolve from friendship DURING THE DAY -emoneyfz Actually you only need to have it be in two hearts for a while i evolved both my buneary @ my golbat this way.

How many hearts do you need for you Pokemon to evolve?

You mean by happiness? You need 2 for it to evolve.

How much happiness does a budew need to evolve?

Its happiness value need to be at 220 in the Day Time.

When does budew evolve?

Budew evolves with friendship. To get it to evolve faster, give it a Soothe Bell and battle with it often. If you're a member of the club in the Resort Area, you can get it a massage daily. You can check up on how much it likes you with the Poketch app or talk to the Footprint Guy.The only time it can evolve is in the morning.Does it evolve into daytime?this person is wrong. budew can evolve at any time of the day and evovles at level 20 (around there) but i know its not happynessActually you don't need to give it Soothe Bell. Mine evolved at level 17 when I defeated Roark and his Cranidos that I caught at level 5. And I also have been capping Budew at their new levels by battling Pokemon who give EXP Points equivalent to a full number to the divisor of how many EXP Points they had left to level up. I didn't expect Budew to evolve so soon and he had no held items. It's a male Roselia with Natural Cure. You can do the same too.budew doesn't evolve at a certain level. Budew evolves if his love for you and his happiness are complete. You can see it with an app when you touch budew and two big hearts are around him. Then he is going to evolve.It's Friendship level needs to be maxed out,so check and if there's two giant hearts above it's head then that means it's maxed out. (But it only can evolve during the day!)You must make great friendship with budew

What moves should Budew learn?

well, to tell the truth budew isn't all that great. you should either evolve it, or start out with turtwig if you want a grass type. if you need to beat water types, get a shinx and evolve it into a luxray, which hase a better selection of moves than budew.

What level does budew evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

You'll need to make it happy at day time.

How many hearts on poketch app do you need to evolve golbat by happiness?

If I recall correctly 2.

What you need to do to get coldbat to evolve i no you need it to be happy but how many poffins how many steps does it need to evolve?

it needs max happiness. you can test this with a poketch app that show you how much the Pokemon likes you. it will have 2 large love hearts above its head