You can't evolve budew by leveling it up because you need to get high friendship
battle more to gain friendship
Girafarig doe's not evolve
it depends on the Pokemon that are evolving
It evolves at level 40.
level 37
Level 34
Budew evolves via happiness. Depending on how happy it is, Budew could evolve at any level.
it evolves into Roselia same thing on Pokemon diamond
Budew evolves into Roselia with: Max Friendship DayTime and then when you get these requirements, just level up! Then poof! You'll now have a Roselia, Roselia evolves into Roserade with a Shiny Stone
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
evolve snowver at level 40
Buizel evolve at level 26.
level 18
at level 30
level 28
Level 37
level 50