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There is 16, 8 in Johto, 8 in Kanto.

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Q: How many gyms are there in the heart gold version?
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How many Pokemon gym leaders are there in heart gold?

8 gyms in Johto 8 gyms in Kanto 8+8=16 16 gyms

How many gyms are in Pokemon Gold?

Theres 8 , as usual.

Where is the gym leader number 8 at on pokemon heart gold?

You will meet him at cinnabar island and he will say how many gyms have you finished and if you defeat seven gyms he will say go to his gym and go and battle him he has different types of pokes like macargo pidgeot and some other good pokes (this is for soulsilver but i think that it will work for heartgold)

Are there any reasonably priced central VA Fitness clubs?

There might be a cheap Gold's gym in the area. Otherwise, try some local gyms. There are many, many gyms in Virginia. But try asking family members or friends.

How many times can you verse the gym leaders in Pokemon heart gold?

you can battle a gym leader as many times as you like after all 16 gyms and both leagues in the kanto region next to the 2nd kanto gym only cirten gym leaders a day

Codes for heart gold version action replay?

There's so many codes that it would take forever to list them all here. You should ask for specific codes.

What level does an egg haunch in Pokemon heart gold version?

an egg dose not level up it hatches on how many steps you take.on each different egg you need a certain amount of steps.

How many gyms are there in heartgold?

16 gyms 8 in johto and another 8 in kanto.

How many times is the word 'heart' used in the Bible in New king James version?

the word heart is used 114 times in the New King James version

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