After you get the National Poke'dex, you can have all seven eeveelutions.
Most evolutions are by just leveling up but there are also many evolutions like togepi evolves into togetic but friendship and then togetic evolves by a shiny stone. Eevee evolves by the stones, by training at night or day and by leveling it upnext to the icy or grassy stones. Pokemon like golem, machamp, electrivire and magmortar all avolve by giving them the right hold item and trading them.Typically baby Pokemon evolve by friendship if a Pokemon doesn't evolve by by Lv. 55 then it evolves by a stone and if that doesn't work look for held items for Pokemon evolutions. I know a good deal about Pokemon but there is no way I'm going to find all the Evolutions.
Same as the gold and silver 251
There are many grass-type Pokemon, including Bulbasaur, Oddish, Paras, Bellsprout, Exeggcute, Chikorita, Sunkern, Treeko, Seedot, Turtwig, Cherubi, Shaymin, and their evolutions (if applicable).
he has 8 evolutions jolteon,flareon,glaceon,espeon,sylveon,leafeon,umbreon and vaporeon.
There are 345 Pokémon that don't evolve however this includes final evolutions such as Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise and Raichu as well as a male Combee that cannot evolve.
Most evolutions are by just leveling up but there are also many evolutions like togepi evolves into togetic but friendship and then togetic evolves by a shiny stone. Eevee evolves by the stones, by training at night or day and by leveling it upnext to the icy or grassy stones. Pokemon like golem, machamp, electrivire and magmortar all avolve by giving them the right hold item and trading them.Typically baby Pokemon evolve by friendship if a Pokemon doesn't evolve by by Lv. 55 then it evolves by a stone and if that doesn't work look for held items for Pokemon evolutions. I know a good deal about Pokemon but there is no way I'm going to find all the Evolutions.
The 1st Generation of the games introduced 151 Pokémon but some of them gained new evolutions (or pre-evos) in later games.
There are a few explanations. Ditto can transform into its opponent, Castform changes by the weather, and Eevee has many evolutions.
Their are 434 pokemon in soul silver according to the strategy guide.
7 "legendary" Pokemon
skorpi Just put Pokemon in your party and use Flash. See if any of them can use it. And Sceptile and Castform etc can use it. But I would recommend not putting it on Sceptile if you started with that because it can learn more moves that are MUCH better in battle (You can get it removed in Lilycove, Pokemon Emerald and maybe Ruby, Sapphire?)
According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.
No you cannot, but many Pokemon from silver can be found in leaf green which you can trade to
Pokemon Silver, for its time, has excellent graphics. When compared to the games of today, Pokemon Silver's graphical fidelity is certainly not as good, however Pokemon Silver's stylized sprites are still loved by many.
There are 100 new pokemon in pokemon silver that weren't in blue and red. Although,the original pokemon are still in silver, bringing the total amount of available pokemon in your pokedex up to 251. So, you can catch 251 pokemon in the silver version for gameboy.
Same as the gold and silver 251