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There are many grass-type Pokemon, including Bulbasaur, Oddish, Paras, Bellsprout, Exeggcute, Chikorita, Sunkern, Treeko, Seedot, Turtwig, Cherubi, Shaymin, and their evolutions (if applicable).

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Q: What are some types of grass Pokemon?
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Is grass good against psychic Pokemon?

No, grass is neutral to psychic types. It is only super-effective to water, rock, and ground types.

Where is tall grass in Pokemon creed?

because it is in the grass types

What Pokemon type is supereffective on water?

To a pure water type pokemon, electric type attacks and grass type attacks are super effective.

What Pokemon types doesn't beat grass?

Types that will inflict minimal damage on Grass are: Water, Electric, Grass, and Ground.

What can beat water Pokemon?

Electric types and Grass types.

Where to get a grass Pokemon?

I am assuming you don't have the National Dex, because there a lot of grass Pokemon you can find very easily in there. There are some Grass types you can find by using honey on honey trees, but I think the best grass Pokemon to go with is the regular old Budew or Roselia. Or you could have picked Turtwig as your starter Pokemon.

What Pokemon types are strong against Grass?

Grass type Pokemon are strong against Water, Ground and Rock.

What type of pokemon beats water?

electric and grass types

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What is a good grass types in Pokemon white?

a good grass type (in my opinion) is venusaur.

What types in Pokemon are weak to flying types?

Grass and I think bug not sure