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depends on what pc your using if windows then 400+ if mac 300+

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Q: How many MB does it take to download wizard101?
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How many megabytes does it take to download iTunes 8?

less than 20MB for sure

How much GB does wizard101 use?

Wizard101 itself will take up more than 500 MB. But you will need at least the minimum 5.0 GB of disk space for it to run. For more info go to the Wizard101 FAQ's.

How many download MB in a download gb?

1024 mb = 1gb

How long will a 5615 mb download take?

Depending on the speed of your Internet, a 5615 Mb file will take on average 50 minutes to download.

How long does it take to load 15 MB at 40 kb a second?

6m 24s You Have 1024 Kb's In A Mb. So Take 1024 x 15, Since The File Is 15 Mb, Instead Of 1 Mb. You Will Get 15,360. Then You Take That Divided By 40 To See How Many Seconds It Will Take To Download The File, Which Will Give You 384. 384s In Turn Is 6m 24s For The File To Download.

How many megabytes does it take to download one song from itunes?

It depends on the quality of the song. It can range quite largely! :)

How many megabytes does it take to download an hour TV programme?

no-one has given me a satisfactory answer. I need to know how I am using up my 10 megabytes on my contract with BT

Does PalTalk take a long time to download?

At 20.26 mb, this program shouldn't take more than a minute for the average computer to download.

How is Internet access download time calculated?

It is measured in mb/s which means it calculates how many megabytes it can download in 1 second.

How Many hours is 50 MB?

Hours are measures of time, and megabytes are a measure of memory. These two are not compatible. If you mean how long does it take to download 50 MBs, the speed varies depending on your connection speed. You might be able to download this in 5 to ten minutes.

How Long would 298 MB take to download?

500 hours 500 hours